Angela Conrads, Walter Hövel, Gerhard Rabensteiner, Pia Rabensteiner
Comeniusantrag 2009
Kurzfassung des Antrags:
Sprache, Lernen, Vielfalt durch Vernetzung in Europa
Zwei englische Nachbarschulen, die Lark Rise Lower School in Dunstable/Bedfordshire und
die Village School in Caddington/Bedfordshire kooperieren mit zwei deutschen
Nachbarschulen, der Grundschule Eitorf und der Europaschule Harmonie, ebenfalls in
Eitorf/Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. Die Europaschule Harmonie arbeitet seit über 10 Jahren, u.a. in
einem Comeniusprojekt „To Live Democracy In Europe“ von 2004-2007 und die
Grundschule Eitorf seit 5 Jahren mit der Viktor-Frankl-Hochschule in Klagenfurt zusammen.
Die Hauptschule der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten baut zurzeit einen Austausch mit
der Hämeenlinnan Normaalikoulu, der Gesamtschule der Universität Tampere in Finnland
auf. Alle sechs Schulen und die beiden Hochschulen haben einen gemeinsamen Projektantrag
erarbeitet. Alle Schulen bieten ausgesprochen entwickelte pädagogische Erfahrungen in
vielen Gebieten der modernen Schule, die in diesem Projekt in europäischer Dimension
vorangetrieben werden sollen.
Im Zentrum unserer Comeniusaktivitäten sollen stehen:
• Austausch von Schülerinnen und Schülern von der 3. bis zur 10 Klasse zwischen Twin-Partnerschulen als
- gemeinsames Lernen im Schulalltag der anderen Schule,
- Übernachten in den Schulen,
- gemeinsame sprachfördernde und Sprachen lernende Aktivitäten.
- Je ein Kind und ein Erwachsener der Nicht-Twin-Schools sollen als Beobachter an diesen Treffen teilnehmen
• Face-To-Face-Study-Visits von Erwachsenen der Partnerschulen,
- gemeinsames Unterrichten
- gemeinsame Konferenzen
- und Arbeitsgruppen.
• Treffen der Schulleitungen als „School Leadership Meetings“
- zur permanenten Auswertung des Projekts
- zur Entwicklung einer medienbasierten direkten täglichen Kooperation zwischen den Schulen
• An Sprache- und Sprachenlernen und dem kulturellen Verstehen und Verständigen gemeinsam arbeiten:
- Bereicherung der eigenen curricularen und schulprogrammatischen Beschlüsse der einzelnen Schulen
- Nutzung neuer Technologien für eine tägliche Kooperation beim Sprachenlernen der Schülerinnen und Schüler
- Nutzung neuer Technologien für eine permanente pädagogische Kooperation der Schulentwicklung
• Fünf Projekttreffen aller Beteiligten mit festen Arbeitskreismitarbeiterinnen zur begleitenden Planung, Durchführung,
Diskussion und Evaluation des Projekts SUMMARY
The partnership will bring together pupils, students and teachers in 4 countries (Austria,
Finland, Germany and the UK) to develop understanding of the ever changing world in which
they live and learn through language and cultures. Through linking schools it will help the
children become aware of the importance of language learning and acquisition in the member
countries and learn about the cultural background and lifestyles of the linked schools children.
The partnership will include possibilities for children to experience first hand the languages of
the partnership schools and school and home life of their children through structured study
visits that involving learning with partner children in their linked schools.
Partnership children will see differences between online communication and first hand
meetings in developing relationships and cultural understanding. The project allows children
to use ICT for communication and to extend inclusivity. It will celebrate the diversity of other
languages and cultures that our young people bring to our schools through the support and
partnership with parents and carers.
During the partnership children will experience activities that help them understand cultural
differences through topics such as pupil voice, sustainable and healthy schools and literature
and arts.
All the partner schools have a strong international dimension which is highlighted by the
young age at which children in all the partnership institutions are able to experience different
cultures and lifestyles both first hand and in their curriculum learning.
They have an ethos of cultural and international acceptance which encourages children to see
themselves as members of international learning communities. Each institution involved in the partnership understands the importance of allowing children to develop the ability to communicate in another language and understand life in other countries.
All the institutions have an ethos of innovative practice and have the ability to learn from
action research and partnership projects and activities completed by teachers and pupils.
Through partnership and network learning experiences the schools are experienced at
pioneering, piloting and researching initiatives and are skilled at disseminating this practice,
knowledge gain and understanding to other institutions both locally, regionally and into the
wider learning community.
A Practicing school for The Department of Class Teacher Education
Providing comprehensive education in primary level (pupils 6-13 years),
teaching practice for student teachers, in service education for teachers and methodological
and pedagogical research and experiment
A language program covers English, French and German and two classes use Content and
Language Integrated Learning, CLIL, methodology
Pupil voice activities e.g. pupils’ council
Practice school for teacher training in pedagogy linked to the University College
Individualised learning programmes for the children Dalton Plan Pedagogy
Language learning German, English, Italian, Slovenien
ICT fully integrated
Democracy and leadership of the pupils.
Change management of language learning through school leadership.
Inclusive pedagogy for children who are new to the country and with learning disabilities.
How do children learn reading and writing.
New language learners parental involvement sessions
Celebrating other nations
Democracy and leadership of the pupils.
Self organised language and learning acquisition
Learning a foreign language in a natural way through dialogue based on what is already
known in English by creating sentences both oral and written.
Mixed age language learning.
United Kingdom
Early acquisition of languages in primary schools
Daily immersion of the language through the delivery by the class teacher.
Teaching Assistants use the languages.
Initial teacher training of European students.
International ethos – International Schools Award.
Leadership across the school has experiences working with local and national groups on good practice
Self directed learners who choose the pathways
Outstanding school for ICT and Pupil Voice activities.
Objectives of the Partnership
What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
1. To develop Primary/Secondary provision for language acquisition and cultural understanding.
2. To disseminate language learning, linguistic diversity and cultural understanding using ICT.
3. To offer opportunities for pupils/students to visit partnership schools to share their
own language and experience first hand languages of other partnership schools.
4. To use ICT to celebrate the diversity of the languages and cultures in partnership schools through topics of relevance to all partnership schools.
Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
1. Acceptance and tolerance of other cultures and lifestyles.
2. Integration of language learning into everyday curriculum.
3. Language learning and linguistic diversity from an early age for more natural learning.
4. Inclusion of all children in part of an international learning community.
5. The role of pupil voice in cultural understanding and language lea
Using ICT to support language learning and cultural understanding.
What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?
We intend these aims and objectives will be achieved through the following concrete and
collaborative partnership activities:
1. Sharing knowledge and understanding of language learning – pupils, students and teachers.
2. Experiencing and observing languages in action for learning and during the everyday life of children.
3. Provide partnership pupils/students with regular opportunities to share their language
with link schools and learn the language of the partnership school
4. Build a study visit to link school into language acquisition curriculum.
5. Use study visits and gains in knowledge and understanding during partnership
activities to develop cultural learning and linguistic acquisition materials.
6. Make use of ICT tools (e-mail, websites, weblogs, video and photo sharing) to
regularly share learning experiences and activities with partnership linked schools.
7. Schools will jointly aluate the processes being completed with common criteria, shared questionnaires and tools to make sure targeted objectives are being achieved and worked towards.
Key activities
*Direct pupil / adult interactions (mobilities) - face to face study visits across between linked partnership schools
*School Leadership Meetings
*Language acquisition and cultural understanding which fits into the partners’ own
institutional plans and is embedded into the partners’ own curricula.
Direct pupil / adult Study Visits (mobilities)
Austria – Finland (1 Pair of schools)
1 class will be linked at the same age group in the two countries.
Year 1 – Austrian children will visit Finland
Year 2 – Finnish Children will visit Austria
Germany – UK (2 pairs of schools)
All children of specific age will be linked – Year 3 (7/8 year olds)
Year 1 – German children will visit UK + UK children will visit Germany
Year 2 – German children will visit UK + UK children will visit German
Project Meetings
During these study visits a teacher from each of the partnership schools will visit to see how
the two schools participating in activities are working and what they can learn from them.
Pupils will also attend these meetings as a representative of their partnership schools.
i.e. when German children visit UK, a teacher and child from Austria and Finland will attend.
School leadership Meetings
Nov 2009 Austria
May 2010 Finland
Nov 2010 Germany
May 2011 England
July 2011 Austria
A leader from each of the partnership schools will attend regular leadership meetings to:
- revisit the aims/objectives of the partnership
- prepare and discuss the resources being used for language acquisition and cultural understanding
- create and plan structures for pupil and teacher study visits
evaluate regularly the partnership progress and actions so far.
Host school Headteacher will produce a prospectus/case study for each of the partnership
schools which are translated if necessary. The visiting leaders will Observe practice in each of
the six schools through engagement in learning walks with the leader of the school. There will
be opportunities for dialogue at the school to share findings and issues related to partnership
activities and plan study visits by pupils/students. Reflection on the seen practice by visiting
leaders as critical friends, will be written up as a report to be submitted to the host.
Language acquisition and cultural understanding which fits into the partners’ own institutional
plans and is embedded into the partners’ own curricula.
Programmes of learning and curricula which enable the learning of another language to be
structured and integrated into the regular curricula.
There will be shared ideas and activities which enable continuity across partnership schools
and support the joint work of partnership schools and study visits when children will be
immersed into lessons of the host country.
Partnership and Distributions of Task
Each of the linked partnership schools (3 pairs of schools) will work together on an
acquisition of language provision that will fully support study visits and partnership activitie
(UK - Germany, Austria - Finland). These schools will use already structured activities in
own schools and knowledge and understanding gained in project meetings and teacher
exchanges to develop this provision.
Schools linked for language acquisition and cultural understanding (UK - Germany, Austria –
Finland) will work together to develop a scheme forming a set of key language skills and
vocabulary areas that will be taught to children in partnership schools to enhance study visits
(pupil mobilities). Each institution will need to be competent in language acquisition teaching
and in developing programs of study for achieving this. Responsibility for these schemes and
programs of study will be developed jointly by the paired schools. Lead teachers in each
school will participate and lead on their schools behalf.
Organisation of study visits (pupil mobilities) will be completed by the linked schools within
the partnerships, with each of the paired schools developing a joint schedule for the visit that
takes into account the objectives of the partnership and the individual host and visiting
schools situations. At leadership meetings, the representative leaders will develop structure
frameworks and templates for study visits based on knowledge and understanding and past
experiences of leaders. Activities will be planned across the partnership so that they can be
compared and evaluated with continuity. Schools who have already experienced study visits
previously will use these competencies to plan and support the other partnership schools
develop their own study visits.
Cultural understanding and common theme topics will be decided through each school
suggesting a topic and developing the materials that go with it using the competencies they
already have in schools. These will then be combined to give a overall set of common themes
and topics and accompanying resource materials.
ICT tools and resources will be managed and organised by two of the partnership schools with
high ICT competencies and they will ensure access by all schools involved is possible
whatever the schools situations.
Communication between the whole partnership schools will be managed by the partnership
coordinator who has previous experiences of leading such activities between schools and
across countries. A shared web presence will be developed by the coordinator for
communication, sharing of resources and support.
Each partner school will have a nominated leader who is responsible for ensuring the
partnership schools active participation and completion of partnership activities.
Each school will have the following competencies:
- Designated partnership leader
- Language acquisition specialist
- Study visit leader with previous experience
Teacher responsible for developing cultural understanding materials
The coordinator of the partnership will take a leading role in ensuring tasks are well
distributed and completed by partnership members and will also make sure evaluation of the
progress of the partnership is completed, analysed and distributed to relevant partners. They
will also be responsible for setting up of partnership website and its facilities and
communication between members of the partnership.ON
Cooperation and communication
The partnership schools will use a group website to ensure easy communication and
cooperation. The website will enable:
- Easy one to one communication for pupils, teachers and leaders
- Group e-mailing to enable all members to get communication and leaders to be well
informed of practice and partnership updates.
- Discussion forums for support and sharing of opinions and ideas – pupil and teachers
- Shared files/documents section so all members can get resources needed
- Partnership blog updated by all member schools
individual school pages to highlight own schools activities
All online communication will be completed using the site to ensure good cooperation.
Leadership meetings will enable leaders in partnership schools to meet face to face and ensure
activities are being completed effectively and allow alterations and adaptations to activities to
be made. They will also give opportunities for leaders to see the main activities of language
acquisition and cultural understanding being completed. These meetings will involve
workshops which will enable visiting leaders to learn more about the education system in host
schools and will involve opportunities for discussions with local education authority
representatives when possible. At these meetings findings and partnership outcomes will be
documented for later dissemination and reviewed regularly.
Teacher visits during other countries study visits will enable non-leaders to become skilled
and experienced in the processes and develop communication at different levels within the
partnership schools.
A partnership newsletter/blog will be completed quarterly by the group coordinator who will
regularly ask partnership schools for updates so that pupils and staff in partnership schools
can be kept up to date in partnership activities and events.
Children will be linked by e-mail and a section of the website that will enable them to pass on
their ideas and thoughts about the project and share their experiences. The e-mail link is an
essential ICT tool for developing the main themes of cultural understanding and language
acquisition. Video conferencing has already been attempted between link schools and will be
timetabled into the activities as part of the learning experiences for children.
Children will also use postal communication as a way of participating so that art work and
non-ICT resources and materials can be exchanged.
Impact and European Added Value
This cooperation will
- provide a real, authentic context for children to use their language skills and learn more
with foreign schildren
- give children a possibility to learn and practice their social skills that are needed in
international cooperation
- increase and deepen cultural awareness and knowledge on a reciprocal basis
both domestic and foreign
- diminish stereotypes and prejudices towards foreign people by giving correct and up to
date information about other nations and people and thus increase mutual
understanding in European level
- give a possibility to put cross - curricular themes into practice
- give teachers possibilities to observe and learn different methodologies and school
management and adapt them to their own school environment and teaching
- support the development of ICT-based content and pedagogies
help children to acquirre skills necessary for active European citizenship.
Relevance for the Objectives of the Programme
X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and
educational staff in different Member States (COM-OpObj-1)
X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in
different Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational
activities during the period of the programme (COM-OpObj-2)
X To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages (COM-OpObj-3)
X To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and
practice in lifelong learning (COM-OpObj-4)
To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training (COM-OpObj-5)
X To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management (COMOpObj-6)
5.8 EVALUATEvaluation
During the partnership, the coordinator will ask leaders from all partnership schools to
complete evaluation tasks to judge progress of the partnership towards objectives, requesting
evidence to back up comments and responses. He will set out with all partners clear plans for
the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the partnership appropriate to its aims, activities
and expected impact.
These evaluation tasks will need to be sent in advance of leadership meetings so they can be
collated and findings discussed and any adaptations made to partnership activities at the meetings.
Each individual partnership leader will ask selected staff and pupils to complete
questionnaires and interviews to enable participant’s satisfaction and interpretation of
partnership performance to be evaluated and developed. The findings of these will be
analysed and distributed to partnership leaders so that adaptations and improvements can be
made to the partnerships activities.
Direct measures of impact on the aims will be made at regular intervals by the coordinator
using leaders information and communicated in a written document three times a year.
Online surveys and evaluation forms will be available for all partnership schools to use to
evaluate their own participation, as well as the whole partnerships.
Active Involvement
Pupils in partnership schools are well used to having a voice in their own learning at their
institution. They have already played a key part in the partnership by giving their opinions
and ideas on how they would like to communicate with a school in a different cultural
situation and who use a different language.
From the outset the children will be informed of the aims of the partnership so that they are
able to engage in what they are participating in better and gain ownership in their learning.
They will be asked to complete baseline assessments to see what language skills they have
and what cultural knowledge and understanding they have of their fellow partnership schools.
Before the cultural aspect is completed and started in each country children in all partnership
schools will be asked to think about what aspects of life they want to know more about and
under chosen headings come up with a set of questions that they would like to know the
answer to and could give an answer to about their own culture and country.
Children will work alongside the teacher with language acquisition skills to develop what they believe are the keywords and phrases that children would need to know to effectively and
confidently be able to access lesson in a school with a different main language. They will also
be asked to develop ideas for activities and lesson which will enhance this language learning.
The creation of video and sound clips of language samples will be a key part of children’s participation
When these activities are completed the children will be asked to evaluate the lessons in terms
of enjoyment and meeting the partnerships aims.
As the partnership develops and activities are completed the pupils will be asked to evaluate
the implementation of the activities and how the partners are doing in achieving their targets.
Children will be given opportunities to feedback their ideas and opinions at the leadership
meetings and at the end of study visits where meetings for children will be held for them to
say how the partnership activities have helped them during study visits.
Integration into Learning and other Ongoing Activities
The Partnerships activities will be as fully integrated into the curriculum of the participating
pupils as possible through language acquisition lessons and in geography study lessons. They
will also play a part in pupil voice activities and citizenship lessons.
All partnership schools will ensure that the language learning activities are on-going activities
and are embedded into the regular curriculum so that they have a much more effective impact
on the learning of the pupils. This will enable skills to be built up in time for pupils to feel
confident and competent when the study visits happen. The pupils will learn a variety of
vocabulary and key phrases, which they have played a part devising, that enable them to have
basic conversations and understand simple situations in school and life. The schools will try
using video conferencing to help children see and hear other languages being spoken and
video and audio clips made by the children will give them ownership of some of the activities.
Other themes that will be worked on in conjunction with language acquisition and cultural
understanding are pupil voice, ICT, citizenship, geography and literature. This will make sure
the partnership activities are across many areas of the curricula in all institutions schools.
In pupil voice sessions the pupils will learn how their partner schools involve children as
decision makers and what impact this has on the learning, classroom environment, lessons and
achievement and enjoyment. This learning will help pupils understand how their own school
can give them a voice and what level of voice they have compared to their partner schools.
As children learn about the link country through study lesson and communicating with their
partner schools they will be also gain an understanding of citizenship issues involved in
cultural acceptance and tolerance of cultures and lifestyles.
As a lot of communication between partner schools will be via ICT tools the skills needed to
use these tools will be gradually introduced as distinct skills and then applied in partnership
activities alongside their use in the regular curricula. This will give them a status that allows
pupils to see the skills as regular skills across their learning and not as solely used in
partnership activities. The use of shared blogs and e-mailing will provide quick and simple
communication between partners and thus make the partnership flow fluently and not have
people waiting for communications to come by post.
The partnership has decided to utilise literature in the form of shared text that the pupils can
have in common to work in lessons with. These text maybe by famous national authors of the
countries involved in the partnership or text well known in each country. The choices of
books will highly involve the pupils of the partnership schools who will be given choices to
nominate and suggest reason for using specific text. The choices of books could also involve
books with social and cultural issues which would support one of the aims of the partnership.
Dissemination and Use of Results
For some of the partnership schools, the activities involved will be new and therefore will be used
to disseminate to the rest of the school how well the language acquisition and gain in cultural
understanding has benefitted from the activities. In these schools the learning will be passed on to
the whole staff and act as evidence and source for training material and structure for integration of
the findings into curricula.
In partnership schools the understanding and knowledge will prove useful for identifying strengths
and weaknesses of the project and its activities which will act as stimulus for development and
improvement of structures and organisation aspects.
Presentation and publications will be completed by all partnership schools that document their
learning and findings from the partnership activities and these will be used to support school
development plans and inform the leadership of the school on future practice.
At leaders meetings the schools reviews and evaluations will be regularly updated and a newsletter
update created for dissemination to partnership schools and locally.
At the end of the timeframe for the partnership, the results of the partnership will be turned into a
final case study publication, which will be sent to other schools or other interested organisations
both locally, nationally and across the wider learning community.
During the study visits the partnership schools will invite local media to observe activities and send
out press releases to the relevant organisations in each partnership country. These will enable
heightened awareness in the local learning community and opportunities for other institutions to
extend partnerships and use the partnerships ideas and activities.
Events will be held which celebrate the partnership and its activities and publicise is findings. These
events will also draw the attention of others to your activities within the Comenius School
Partnership and show the effects of its work on partnership schools and on their pupils.
Workshops will be offered in partner institution countries to pass on finings to other schools,
networks and organisations and agencies that are looking to complete similar activities.
Two schools that are parts of teacher education will involve student teachers in the project giving
them a model of European cooperation and at the same time disseminate experiences received
from a project.
The evaluation of results of the partnership against its aims and objectives will allow institutions to
use the findings in future teaching and activities and continue the cooperation with partner schools
in improved and advanced ways, even after the end of the funding period.
At the end of the partnership timescale a celebration event will be held to publicise and distribute
the final case study of the partnership.
Proposed Activity Data
Programme – Planned Activities, Including Mobility Activities, of each Participating Organisation
Educational activities
Approx. Starting date
Activity/mobility description
Destination country (for mobility only)
Which partners involved
Sep 2009
Language Learning and Cultural Understanding integrated into
schools curricula
All partnership schools will start activities within curricula that
promote language learning and cultural understanding.
Nov 2009
Initial Leade r Meeting – finalise and plan arrangements and for
partnership activities
Mobilities – Finland (2 Adult), Germany1 (2 Adult), Germany2 (2 Adult), Austria (2 Adult) UK
All (Finland, Germany, Austria, UK)
Apr 2010
Austria to Finland Study visit
Mobilities (Austria) – 20 pupil mobilities + 4 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (UK1) – 1 Adult
Mobilities (UK2) – 1 Adult
Mobilities (Germany1) – 1 Adult
Mobilities (Germany2) – 1 Adult
Finland Finland/Austria/UK/Germany
May 2010
Leader Meeting – Review and evaluate partnership activities
Mobilities – UK1 (1 Adult), UK2 (1 Adult), Germany1 (1 Adult),
Germany2 (1 Adult), Austria (1 Adult) Finland
All (Finland, Germany, Austria, UK)
UK1 to Germany1 Study visit
Mobilities (UK1) – 35 pupil mobilities + 7 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
Germany Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2010
UK2 to Germany2 Study visit
Mobilities (UK2) – 20 pupil mobilities + 4 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
Germany Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2010
Germany1 to UK1 Study visit
Mobilities (Germany1) – 30 pupil mobilities + 6 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
UK Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2010
Germany2 to UK2 Study visit
Mobilities (Germany2) – 30 pupil mobilities + 6 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
UK Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
Jul 2010
Language Learning and Cultural Understanding integrated into
schools curricula
All partnership schools will review Language Learning and Cultural
Understanding activities within curricula.
Sep 2010
Language Learning and Cultural Understanding integrated into
schools curricula
All partnership schools will start revised activities within curricula
that promote language learning and cultural understanding based on
evaluation of previous years.
Nov 2010
Leader Meeting – Review and evaluate partnership activities
Mobilities – UK1 (1 Adult), UK2 (1 Adult), Finland (2 Adult),
Austria (1 Adult) Germany
All (Finland, Germany, Austria, UK)
Apr 2011
Finland to Austria Study visit
Mobilities (Finland) – 20 pupil mobilities + 4 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (UK1) – 1 Adult
Austria Finland/Austria/UK/Germany
1 "In-country" mobility to or from Overseas Countries and Territories and ultra-peripheral regions of the EU will also be considered as transnational mobility, e.g. mobility by a beneficiary from mainland France to a partner in Martinique.
Approx. Starting date
Activity/mobility description
Destination country (for mobility only)
Which partners involved
Mobilities (UK2) – 1 Adult
Mobilities (Germany1) – 1 Adult
Mobilities (Germany2) – 1 Adult
May 2011
Leader Meeting – Review and evaluate partnership activities
Mobilities – UK1 (1 Adult), UK2 (1 Adult), Finland (2 Adult),
Germany1 (1 Adult), Germany2 (1 Adult) Austria
All (Finland, Germany, Austria, UK)
June 2011
UK1 to Germany1 Study visit
Mobilities (UK1) – 35 pupil mobilities + 7 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
Germany Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2011
UK2 to Germany2 Study visit
Mobilities (UK) – 20 pupil mobilities + 4 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
Germany Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2011
Germany1 to UK1 Study visit
Mobilities (Germany) – 30 pupil mobilities + 6 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
UK Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
June 2011
Germany2 to UK2 Study visit
Mobilities (Germany) – 30 pupil mobilities + 6 Adult mobilities
Mobilities (Austria) – 1 Adult
UK Germany/UK/Finland/Austria
July 2011
Final Leader Meeting – publicise and distribute final case study
Mobilities – Finland (2 Adult), Germany1 (2 Adult), Germany2 (2
Adult), UK1 (2 Adult), UK2 (2 Adult),
All (Finland, Germany, Austria, UK)
NNumber of Pupils ans Staff Involved in the Partnership in each of the Participating Organisations
Name of participating organisation
Total nr of pupil involved
Total nr of staff involved
UK – Lark Rise UK 90 8
UK – Caddington UK 60 6
Germany – Harmonie Germany 90 12
Germany - Eitorf Germany 45 12
Finland - Finland 60 8
Austria - Austria 26 4
Expected Results,Including Results
1 Sep 2009 Partnership communication website created with all partnership schools teachers registered ready for partnership activities to be completed.
2 Oct 2009 Pupil baseline language and cultural assessments completed
3 Oct 2009 Cultural Understanding scheme of work agreed and in place ready for teaching.
4 Oct 2009 Pupil created language scheme of key phrases and vocabulary created for language acquisition lessons.
5 Oct 2009 E-mail links between pupils in partnerships created.
6 Nov 2009 Leaders meeting 1 review completed
7 Nov 2009 Austria to Finland study visit basic outline created and tasks listed for leaders to complete.
8 Dec 2009
Germany 1 to UK1
Germany 2 to UK2
UK1 to Germany1
UK2 to Germany2
Study visit basic outline created and tasks listed for leaders to complete.
9 Feb 2010 Pupil/staff partnership review 1 completed
10 Apr 2010 Austria to Finland Study Visit completed and learning walk forms
11 Apr 2010 Pupil/staff evaluations of Study Visit completed.
12 May 2010 Leaders meeting 2 review completed
13 June 2010
Germany 1 to UK1
Germany 2 to UK2
UK1 to Germany1
UK2 to Germany2
Study Visits completed and learning walk forms completed.
14 June 2010 Pupil/staff evaluations of Study Visit completed.
15 Jul 2010 Cultural Understanding scheme of work evaluations completed by pupils/staff.
16 Jul 2010 Pupil created language scheme of key phrases and vocabulary evaluations
completed by pupils/staff.
17 Jul 2010 Pupil/staff partnership review 2 completed
18 Sep 2010 Reviewed Cultural Understanding scheme of work in use
19 Sep 2010 Reviewed Pupil created language scheme of key phrases and vocabulary in use in lessons.
20 Nov 2010 Leaders meeting 3 review completed
21 Nov 2010 Finland to Austria study visit basic outline created and tasks listed for leaders to complete.
22 Dec 2010
Germany 1 to UK1
Germany 2 to UK2
UK1 to Germany1
UK2 to Germany2
Study visit basic outline reviewed and tasks listed for leaders to complete.
23 Feb 2011 Pupil/staff partnership review 3 completed
24 Apr 2011 Finland to Austria Study Visit completed and learning walk forms completed.
25 Apr 2011 Pupil/staff evaluations of Study Visit completed.
26 May 2011 Leaders meeting 4 review completed
27 June 2011
Germany 1 to UK1
Germany 2 to UK2
UK1 to Germany1
UK2 to Germany2
Study Visits completed and learning walk forms completed.
28 June 2011 Pupil/staff evaluations of Study Visit completed.
29 Jul 2011 Pupil/staff partnership review 4 completed
30 Jul 2011 Leaders meeting 5 Partnership Case Study completed using reviews and evaluations against objectives
Celebrations and Dissemination
Meetings held in each partnership country to share findings and activities with local and national communities.
Requested EU Funding
Participating organisation
Partnership type [Table G – mobility action
Nr of planned out going mobilities (pupils)
Nr of planned out going mobilities (staff2 )
Total outgoing mobilities
Lark Rise Lower UK COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 70 21
Grundschule Harmonie Germany COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 60 20
Grundschule Eitorf Germany COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 60 20
Caddington Village School UK COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 40 15
Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten/Viktor Frankl Hochschule Praxishauptschule Austria COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 20 16
Hämeenlinnan normaalikoulu Finland COM-24M (Multilateral / High nr of mobilities - min. 24) 20 12